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If you are involved in any high-risk activities that potentially put your teeth and gums at risk of dental damage, it is important to make sure you have the necessary preventive treatments to keep your smile safe. This includes the use of appliances such as mouth guards. Mouth guards are designed to fit over the top of your teeth to lower the risk of dental damage in the form of blunt trauma from oral accidents and injuries. Additional information about mouth guards includes the following:

– Custom-made mouthguards can be designed for you personally by your dentist. They are custom crafted to fit your exact dental profile.

– Boil and bite mouthguards work by applying hot water to a mouthguard in which you bite down and apply your exact dental impression to the guard.

– Stock guards are pre-formed and ready-to-wear.

– When caring for your mouth guards, always remember to clean them as needed. Regularly clean your mouth guard in cold, soapy water.

-If you feel as if your mouth guard is beginning to wear down or fray, visit your dentist for a replacement. Children will need replacements more often as they often outgrow their guards.

– Never leave your mouthguard in the sun or hot water. Also, never leave it in arm’s reach of little siblings or family pets that can get ahold of it.

Be sure to make time in your life to visit your dentist at Creative Smiles Dental Care for mouth guards, and if necessary, to schedule an appointment with Dr. Purvesh Malaviya and Dr. Mrugank Sardhara for a thorough exam of your oral health. You can get ahold of our dentist office in Brockton, Massachusetts, by calling us at 508-588-1400.